Off Road Diesel
Learn about off road diesel
Off Road Diesel: What is it?
Often referred to as Red Diesel or Dyed Diesel, off road diesel is an Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel that is dyed with a colorant (typically Solvent Red 26 or Solvent Red 164.) The dye is used to distinguish it from conventional clear diesel you would find at a gas station. The distinct color identifies it for off road use only for tax purposes, but it is otherwise the same fuel used in trucks making the long haul. The taxing of red diesel fuel is different than it's clear counterpart, and it is considered tax evasion to use dyed diesel in vehicles on the road or highway. Doing so can result in a felony charge, hefty fines and even time in federal prison. So if you're buying and using off road diesel, make sure it stays off the road.
What is it used for?
There are many industries and ways our great nation puts off road dyed diesel fuel to work. It can be found in many commercial operations, including on farms to power the many vehicles necessary to drive the agriculture industry, including tractors, plows, combines and harvesters. It is also a keystone for construction companies and contractors, powering portable construction generators, light towers, excavators and other large equip necessary to get the job done. Red dyed diesel fuel is also essential to the locomotive industry and marinas, keeping both commercial and privately owned vessels in operation. It can also be found in massive, on site power generators as either a main energy supply for those working off grid or as a back up fail safe in emergency states.
How Can I Order Off Road Diesel?
You can order off road diesel by contacting us directly. We deliver to southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, southern New Jersey and northeastern Maryland.
We offer onsite delivery to equipment and tanks, and even offer fuel management solutions and
Western Global diesel tank rentals. We have experience working with commercial procurement teams, global and national brands, projecet managers, business to business supply chain managers, small business, and superintendents or site managers. Our team can be reached by phone at (610) 494-4874, by email at or simply submitting an inquiry through our contact form